Studio Sun-mo ing. Borsello Claudio - Via Trento 12/D - 10099 San Mauro Torinese (To) Italy
PIVA 09494930010 - Ordine Ingegneri Provincia di Torino n. 10372Y
Mob.: +39 340 6264580 - FAX +39 011 19826954 Email:

The new heating systems for residential buildings can consume half of fuel than a conventional plant of equal power.
Add to this that a well-insulated house loses less than half of heat than a house of 70's-80's, one can easily realize that the power of a new heating system is 20-25% less than that of a traditional one.
In addition, the primary energy is not 'more' necessarily fossil fuels (oil, natural gas), but it can be renewable as:
- the biomass,
- the sun,
- the warmth of the land.
On the other hand the complexity is greatly increased and the plant must be carefully designed to avoid ... remain in the cold!
The technologies used are different:
- condensing boiler
- low temperature heating on the wall or under the floor
- external sensor for temperature regulation
- variable flow
- heat pump
- solar panels
- geothermal probe
Contact us
To contact us for information or some more details, please send an email to:
or call us to +39 01119710803