Solar energy can be effectively used to produce electricity without greenhouse gas emissions and this is possible through the use of photovoltaic panels.
The photovoltaic panels are generally installed on the roof of the building (or superimposed over the existing roof in place, or part thereof) or in front, and it is now possible to design quality solutions from the point of view of aesthetics.
A special apparatus (the inverter) converts the electricity produced by the panels into alternating current that enters the plant to be used. The energy not used is automatically fed into the electricity grid and counted to be reimbursed through the contribution of net metering. Only if you are not connected to a network, electricity is stored in batteries.

Today in Italy it is possible to produce solar electricity cost-effectively, through the establishment of the Energy Bill, which is the ability to be paid for all electricity produced from their plant in the early twenties, at a special rate that allows you to recover in ten to twelve years the initial investment.
A typical installation for a family of 3 kWp, is composed of about 15 modules of 200 Wp and requires an area of 24 square meters. (4 x 6 m).
To request quotes and fill in the form of feasibility studies within the boxes below
Studio Sun-mo ing. Borsello Claudio - Via Trento 12/D - 10099 San Mauro Torinese (To) Italy
PIVA 09494930010 - Ordine Ingegneri Provincia di Torino n. 10372Y
Mob.: +39 340 6264580 - FAX +39 011 19826954 Email:
Private Customers
If you wish to request a quote please fill out the online quote request form, or to request info or quote send an email to:
Corporate Customers
If you want to learn more about our services please fill out the contact request form, or send an email to:
The incentive mechanism in the Conto Energia has been repeatedly renewed and is currently set (from 1 June 2011 to the end of 2016) by DM May 5, 2011 (4th Conto Energia). For more information on how to access the incentives and the new rates please contact us or visit the GSE (Energy Services Manager)
- Analysis of the electricity needs and feasibility study of the photovoltaic system, with economic and financial assessment also in case of photovoltaic loan application.
- Consulting for the submission of an incentive to the GSE and authorization to the Municipality, ENEL.
- Consulting for all matters concerning the complaint to the Customs Agency and the keeping of data records (for systems above 20 kWp).
- Detailed design of the photovoltaic system.
- Tests with professional equipment (with calibration certificates), also with legal value.
- Supply, installation and commissioning of the plant, through selected companies.
- Service, maintenance, efficiency testing.
- Remote monitoring and alarm system.
- Integrated design of heat pump systems and storage to take advantage of the electricity produced, with the possibility of using it for the heating.
Studio Sun-mo provides the following services: