Studio Sun-mo ing. Borsello Claudio - Via Trento 12/D - 10099 San Mauro Torinese (To) Italy
PIVA 09494930010 - Ordine Ingegneri Provincia di Torino n. 10372Y
Mob.: +39 340 6264580 - FAX +39 011 19826954 Email:

The first and most valuable source of renewable energy is undoubtedly ENERGY SAVINGS.
Even in our country is increasing the overall sensitivity to the better use of energy from that used for heating and cooling of buildings that used in transport or consumed to produce electricity.
With limited investment and a bit 'of good will could lead to halve and even clear the use of fossil fuels.
E 'can still achieve remarkable results in energy savings through proper design and construction of the thermal insulation of buildings.
Other fields of action in this regard are the use of lighting and appliances (low power).
Finally, you can also intervene on the proper use of water by differentiating the uses for which it is necessary to drinking than those in which you can use rainwater and gray.
With the 2007 Finance Act, 2011 extended to all, if you decide to improve the energy efficiency of your home by replacing windows or by increasing the thermal insulation of walls, you are entitled to an income tax deduction of 55% in ten annual installments, expenses incurred.
Studio Sun-mo provides the following services:
- Analysis of energy and water consumption (certification of consumption).
- Advice and personalized interventions proposed to reduce consumption and energy saving.
- Advice for the self energy.
- Advice on new decree D. Lgs. 311/2006, Regional Law 13/2007 and building regulations on energy certification.
- Analysis with Thermocamera
Download and complete our Self-Assessment Questionnaire Energy consumption.